Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mystery Topic Challenge Number 15

Dave and Pat Say: We're out fishing and we still are entering the contest!! Because we are winners!

MTC #15 Topic by Stella!

Ohhh, this is truly a good one, folks. Here it is:

It’s five years from now. You’ve taken action, and you’ve succeeded! Someone is describing what you did; how you persevered. They are congratulating you on the outcome. Cameras are flashing, taking your picture to record the magic moment.

So tell me: what is it that you’ve done? How did you do it?

If you want your readers to join this meme, just copy the topic and post it on your blog. Be sure to link back HERE.

Now, git writing!


Christina G. said...

Well, I wish I had been able to get it together and entered this MTC, I would've enjoyed writing about this topic! But I am BARELY managing one or two blog posts per month at this point...I'm just about hanging on by a thread...did you guys change the background color on your site? Looks good...

MooPig said...

this one is on hold by Jayne d'Arcy the web master... we will have to check back later.