Monday, December 22, 2008

In Response to Dave's Comment on 'Those Traps'

December 22: chachki
Trinket, useless sentimental stuff filling up your book cases and counter space, miscellaneous items collected and set out to enhance your decor, stuff you should probably box up or sell in a garage sale, things kids take when their parents pass away because it reminds them of good times past.
Grandma's collection of mini spoons from around the country, mini statues (Lladro), little bowls of stuff for people to look at, figurines, doilies etc.
Some more trappings that we pass by every day... "Times are too few that we say : I have loved you." Those are the good traps, I think.. no?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Those Traps

Sunday Night at the Rock and Roll Church,
by Pat Darnell

We have settled on a church. Brazos Fellowship has three services in the mornings and one at 6 PM. Last Sunday we attended the evening service. There is a rock and roll band on stage every time. Reminds me of... well it's all new to me. My tweens love it. (HERE)

Our pastor is good about bringing "visual aids" to the pulpit. Pastor William, "Will" for short, this time he brought out a cart. In the cart hidden from us was a "varmint trap."

He explained that he had asked Academy for a "Bear Trap," but they only carry Varmint Traps. Then he told us today's topic is about how traps are set for us on a daily basis. Then he sat down and forced open the jaws of the trap with his feet, set the firing mechanism and placed a chunk of ham on the trick arm. So he set it up on top of the cart, sprung and primed, and awesome.

Pastor Will described a host of problems that lead many to falling into traps. The common thread to all those situations had the element of temptation.

The story is his to tell, so I need not tell the whole thing here. And you guessed it: his sermon led to his pushing on the pressure plate with a long stick, and its exploding the ham shank in all directions, pieces landing like Gallagher's smashed melons.

My point today in telling this is that as Pastor Will went about telling the various angles of the scriptures and how traps are set by the temptations, including fight or flee adrenaline reactions of us the prey, he waved his hands too close to the primed trap, for my comfort.

Finally, I had to look down and away. I could not take the vision of him getting too close, or accidentally setting off the elements. Even my blood pressure started rising. I worked into a sweat just sitting and waiting the inevitable, unable to watch.

I am a worry wort, born and bred, no lie it was discomfiting. Please join me in watching out for temptations' traps: I think it is important to look for the traps, and to actually ask Jesus right away to move them away from my hands and feet, and all extremities of my wife and kids, and puppy; in context of last Sunday evening... in a building on the Parkway, in a little town in the middle of America. A ham shank and a bear trap... lesson learned -- is funny, huh?

Friday, December 12, 2008

T'is easier to put a camel through the eye of a needle...

December 12: come to jesus

Originally an emotional experience that is life changing, it has evolved to mean a serious argument, one that better result in a change of action or else.

My husband and I are going to have a "come to jesus" over this remodeling job.
I'm going to have a "come to jesus" with that kid about his drinking and partying

*[file under humor ain't]*

Monday, December 8, 2008

Was Naming your child Dweezil...

... Maybe just a little ahead of its Time? by Pat Darnell

Of course it is. Frank Zappa is a Mother of Invention who took things into his own hands often. He developed from his childhood in a very delightful way. I like to think of him as a happy child, with asthma, and a great outlook on life. Is the Name of the Year 2008 "Dweezil" this year? (by Brian D. Holland. July 27, 2007; Dweezil Zappa Interview)


American culture ..dominated by politics in past year, and according to Laura Wattenberg, baby-naming business was no exception.

The 2008 Name Of The Year Dec 7th 2008 | By Laura Wattenberg
Wattenberg, author of the book The Baby Name Wizard and founder of the website of the same name, tells ParentDish that this year's Name of the Year might come as a bit of a surprise. When she invited readers of he Baby Wizard blog to contribute nominations for 2008 Name of the Year, many votes were political.

So what was the big winner?


Joe the lumberjack, Joe Six-pack, Amtrak Joe Biden, and, of course, Joe The Plumber. Joe made a huge come-back this year. (Wattenburg, Laura; 12.07.2008, Retrieved HERE)

In honor of all us Step-dads, I would like to think this year's one is Joe the Carpenter, the step-dad of Jesus.