Friday, December 12, 2008

T'is easier to put a camel through the eye of a needle...

December 12: come to jesus

Originally an emotional experience that is life changing, it has evolved to mean a serious argument, one that better result in a change of action or else.

My husband and I are going to have a "come to jesus" over this remodeling job.
I'm going to have a "come to jesus" with that kid about his drinking and partying

*[file under humor ain't]*


Christina G. said...

I read once,or heard somewhere, that the Eye of a Needle is actually a place,in the Mediterranean area (I think) a sort of very low kind of tunnel or cave that, in order for a camel to get through it, the animal has to almost drop to its 'knees'. Very difficult but not necessarily always impossible...

MooPig said...

Ah, good insight. Surprising information for me, but totally informative to a camel and his owner... in those days and circumstance. Thanks, oh bright Angel of the cyber spaces.
pd\ love that stuff..