Friday, October 30, 2009

NWO is a kind of Queer Idea :: Get Your Cognitive Dissonance on

"‘Copenhagen Climate Change Treaty’ that will replace the Kyoto treaty that is set to expire in 2012
Lord Christopher Monckton, the man who warned many this week of the treaty -- appeared on the Glenn Beck radio program -- he [Monckton] makes it clear that the treaty will create a World Government Dictatorship that will have complete authority over all nations by intervening in the economies and environment of any individual country in the world without consent. [SOURCE]"

Yes, One time Offer -- then we turn it all over to the Chinese
By Pat Darnell and the Whole Farm

Reviewing Hal Lindsay Report 10.23.09
Multi-tasking, or just plain winging it; We are most the time winging it. You know, setting goals too high, and performing substandard. Tragically our blundering makes us drop trillions of tons of goo on delicate arctic animals; and it all gets televised. Who will clean it all up?

Then it dawns on us: What are some offerings we can put out for our MooPigsters? Well, we thought, deep, then we concentrated hard, cogitated on wellsprings of congnitive stimulae .... only to fail to come up with a standard, because there was too much confusion as we were distracted by the caucophony emitting from our barnyard. Is the subject of our torn allegiances too deep ??

Many friends of MooPigsters are meditative, thoughtful, and hardest working som' bi'ches on the face of the planet; that is, our readers work half as hard as their moms and daddies did, but twice as hard as everyone else. Yes, you. (see: also Alex Jones' Prison Planet dot com)

Heart Trouble: The most important walk is not to walk in rules, but to walk in location; location: as in "where is the heart?" Avoid love for our cosmetic world, rather love with all one's heart, as in giving, as wanting, as in serving the Lord God Father.

Church, Nation, World: [Matthew 6: 24-26] Notify the Church, Nation and World of the wisdom you receive in your walk, in your sleep, and in your days. That means give lovingly, with your whole heart, with clarity and with charity, to our next generations.

No Man can serve two Masters: In December Obama is going to sign a World Order Government Treaty that will send the USA in a downward spiral. Do you idolize Barry Obama? Do you think Alien Gore and Willie Clinton have any desire to serve in only one hemisphere of the planet, when they could see their lame selves ruler of a New World Order organized under absurd Global Protection Treaty's???

"OUCH!!" Says the barnyard; who blame them-selves for all the carbon they have emitted over their lifetimes. "We are Guilty !!!"

"No you're not," I say. "Do not whimper like that; because you think you have something to do with the cosmo world's condition. It is not you barnyard, no, not you."

Guilt is a desperate and all consuming taskmaster. It uses its sidekick Blame to enforce its goals. Goals for guilt are ... hmmmm ... slovenly slacking, emo-babbling, frozen assets, and blaming someone else for all troubles.

Yes, almost every USA citizen who votes today believes in cognitive dissonance. [Please, MooPig curmudgeons, listen to Hal Lindsay's Report now] Hal is a brave man, and I admire him for his endurance, and his ability to pump out information.

I am guilty of trying to serve two masters -- dissonance worship in practice, yes again, I admit. I worship 'Triple-patty, DQ double bacon cheeseburgers' -- that's one. Second I worship sleeping -- Saint Mattress on Sunday mornings... that's two of many masters I submit time and effort to. YIKES !!

It is my own downlow attitudes, that I bring forward from growing up in the sixties, that confuse my children and wife, and probably you, today.

No doubt in my mind; I could have done without the backward-forward slant of a skewed ideology that sells products, but supplies no edifications.

NEXT TIME: Field Marshals Re-Con in Dubai

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Turn yourselves and Live ye

A quick look into a concordance, flip to the subject phrase in my big old King James, read and think; that's what happens when someone mentions any thing from the Bible. Further cogitate the verse in other translations, until I am sure I get it.

Why is that important? I think it is necessary to tell my friends when it comes to Christ, Scripture and understanding, that I take very seriously any thing they say to me.

Besides, oration is divine. We humans talk to each other: we humans talk to Lord God. It is an essential slice of creation, and are accountable for what we say and do. We are responsible to be faithful and steadfast stewards of God's conservatory. That is right. And if my friends and relatives can show me new evidence, and I can learn a deeper understanding of scripture, with a little help from my friends, well whoa to the devil.

Tonight, my brother Dave told me about his forward progress in reading Ezekiel. "My favorite," I said.

I am not playing around; Ezekiel is important, because he is one of the three priest-prophets who were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar. Ezekiel was taken to the Big N's headquarters when he was 25-ish. From that point on Ezekial's physical body was no longer his own. He would become completely manipulated physically and mentally, by the Lord God, Adonai Yahweh.

Nebuchadnezzer conquered lots of sovereign people, and to cover all bases with God, he brought the main priests of every conquered land to his temple.

At age thirty, while in captivity, Ezekiel began prophesying. Also, his marriage ended as his wife died early in their life together, subsequently when Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzer. His sorrows were genuine, and would reveal long-time suffering similar of any Son of Man who loves, and is governed by Lord God, yet is separated by a wide gulf from Him.

Ezekial was made unable to speak except when he was given a message to deliver; he was made to shave his head and perform odd ceremonies; he was made to eat a bittersweet scroll; he was made to experience frightening visions; he was told to lie down as on his one side for hundreds of days, and turned to lie on the other side for 40 more days.

Ezekial's physical manifestations are so interesting to me because they are examples of a man who is the scriptures, not just a reader of them. When Ezekiel spoke, it was a miracle of God the Creator. Ezekiel, old friend, didn't just study a scroll, he ate it. When he was denied a life with his wife, he was sad from the day of her death forward. When he was given words to speak on Lord God's behalf, he was put in jeopardy.

Ezekiel could only speak when he was given prophecy to relay to people. And then, the words were rarely spoke to friendlies; he had to suffer wrath of wickedness and back-blow from both sides of current regimes. His unavoidable suffering resulted because the Word of Lord God rarely applied to human vanity. He was most often bearer of warnings of bad events arising for those who insisted on being wicked.

"Dave, did you ever notice people don't really like to be told how things will turn out? Especially 'wicked' people?" I said.

We chuckled, [instead of whimpering], as we talked about how Ezekiel had been a scapegoat made fool for what is ill, decrepit and sinful in the kingdoms he served. As priest-prophet he looked after the conquered Israelites, and as captive, he was accountable to Nebuchadnezzer. Bad situation for any man or woman.

So this is what Dave said: "What's really good is at the end of all those warnings, betrayals and battles, hardships and humiliations, is one line -- it says 'Turn and Live.'"

Go ahead, take a look -- Ezekiel 18, verse 32, "For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God; wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye." (KJ)

That is what I was looking at just now and wanted to share with others: "Turn yourselves, and live ye."  So 'TAG -- you're It' ... I guess... King's X.
[thanks Dave: pdaf]

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bottle Shock:: Jesus Changed Water to Excellent Wine ... No?

MooPig Movie Reviews: Bottle Shock, 2008

Modesty -- less traveled path
by Pat Darnell

Bottle Shock -- Like a promise to Sons by their Fathers, a bride for prides, Bill Pullman takes us on a ride through toil and dust, letting a convergent spirit to evolve between he and his son.

What is the first curse upon sinful men placed on mankind by the Lord God Creator of Heaven and Earth ... eh? And you "man, will struggle to live making your way by scratching in the dust of Earth..." or similar?

Cultivation of wine never ceases to be a really great metaphor for life throughout centuries of human habitation.

Based on true stories that literally blow your mind: real issues in Bo Barrett's and his family life revolve around DIRT -- The soils in what is now the famous Napa Valley generally are very deep and have high potential productivity. They are used for vineyards, orchards, and pastures.

Meanwhile, it turns out soils just south of the valley have lower production potential because they are limited by a strongly developed subsoil. They are used mainly for dryland pasture and for oats and hay.

"Take our word for it, this story is as big and as earth shake-rattle-n-rolling as landing on the Moon," said Valarie Duty, Wine Tasting Expert, and Suitcase Model, for Aficionado Magazine. "What makes the dirt part of the story is its origins. It's Volcanic ash sedimentary soils,the soils formed in deep deposits of alluvium derived mainly from basic igneous and rhyolitic bedrock," explains Miss Duty.

Synopsis: Snapes Severus treks from Paris, goes to California's vintner's fledglings whose industries seem to be scurrilous and ready to Vulgate peak eruptions of perfections in productions of virtuoso wines.
And guess what? Money is scarce. The banks are calling in their loans on Billy Pullman's enterprises, and he starts to show signs of dementia, by shadow boxing himself into a corner. He is held there by pride stemming from his illicit desire to show her up, his estranged ex-wife who by the way has the money. Wx-wife is eat up but somehow pulls Pullman out through collaborations with their son. Even the bartender helps the cause.

Now, Bo, the son, is a trip. All the other characters have trembly lips, yes, too as the story unfolds. Truth in DIRT starts to make sense to us movie-goers. Hippie throwback Bo goes to Paris and stumble-bums into fame like a punch drunk UFC fighter.

"Wine the color of shit; interesting," says an American in Paris to his ambivalent British wine snob, Snape Severus, who is on a break from wand-tending to make this ground-breaking, epic PG-13 movie, with cast of thousands of grapes.

Modesty is the virtue of slaves. Cultivation of the grape is life. The father becomes a despot and takes on the task of "I'm gonna' make it happen." His loving son helps in mysterious ways, though Bo Barrett carries no magic wand.

"Billy Pullman is well known for his other roles, such as Chrissie Ricci's dad in Casper a decade back. As a landmark in most of our foreboding cinemas, Pullman seems to get all the breaks in being cast," said our Resident Movie Critic and Geologist, Tammy Walker Paisley.

No bacchanal ?? Just kidding, there are a couple of mid-night rambles, and besides it is the post-WoodStock Era, pre-Stadium Rock Epoch.

And there is an Intern that shows up in a VW. She has to be initiated into wine culture dogma, obsession, and idyllic polygamous relationships.

Welcome to Goosecross Cellars from David Topper on Vimeo.


The first recorded miracle performed in public by Jesus of Nazareth was when his mother sent him to change the water in large containers to wine. This was in the waning hours of the festival, after all the wine had been consumed by wedding party guests gathered after marriage.

One guest approached the Groom saying, "Most hosts would serve the least flavored wine at the end of the party. You, on the other hand have saved the best wine for last."
Articles from Plutarch on reason for marriages uses bitter-sweet as metaphor:
Viniculture, viticulture [Nomos] means "custom," "convention," and "melody." This ambiguity explains the transition or sequence of thought between first two protaganists; father and son.
Examples -- 1. [Solon] ordered that the bride should eat some quince before retiring to bed with the bridegroom. He meant to suggest ... that the first favor of lip and voice should be harmonious and sweet.

2. In Boeotia, when they veil the bride, they give her a garland of asparagus. This is a plant that gives the sweetest fruit from the sharpest thorn, just as the bride will give a life of calm and sweetness to the man who does not shrink from, or feel distaste for, the first harsh and disagreeable impressions. (Sorry, I forget where I got the Plutarch words, pdaf)

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Infinity Question

Infinity and the Barber Chair Experience
by Pat Darnell

I am looking at Visual paradise; that is a paradise I choose. Attracted to visual is only one benefit of my surfing the Internet. What does the visual lead me into?

Here is a page of a "brilliant" visual web site: The Billion Dollar Gram Information is Beautiful. That's correct; information is the beauty.
I had this conversation with mini-Me's just this evening, before work (night shift).

Pat2: "Hey, Dad, it would be cool if you did one of those .." and he waved his hands in the air.

Pat1: "What?"

P2: "One of those paintings ... like duplicate that one over there so that there is no end ..."

(P1, Dad looks at his TEXTING\ PC\ Soon to be Rock Star daughter for help)
Desiree1: "You mean infinity?" she said miraculously between multi-tasks, without ever looking up.

P2: "Like reflections in mirrors. We had those mirrors at the Chetman house, and it was fun to dance between them ... kind of spooky. When I was little, 'member?"

P1: "Okay, now I get it. Like in the old days at Barber Shops, they weren't fancy, they had mirrors in front and back; so that every time you sat in the barber chair you saw infinite reflections."

P2: "Kewl," he says to me, I think. "Yep, that's right." (then we have more pauses for infinite TEXT tete a tete's, as I sweat the details in my mind ... ) "I like that in paintings..." concludes P2 of our brief encounter with Infinity.

That is about the extent of the subject discussion -- but it lingers on in my mind through the night.. Even if I am alone in this feeling, I usually get a very "strange" queasy spell when I "try" to think of a universe never ending ... I suppose I have been puzzled by the aspect for my whole life.

For instance, do the nerve endings of the soles of our feet have origins in the beelleeons and beelleeons of stars?
[Answer: Yes, of course. Carl Sagan says "starstuff pondering the stars."]
So when knock-off-Armani-esque version-in-BanLon, Carl Sagan kept saying to us through our TV's in maple wood cabinets resting on burnt vegetable colored shag carpet in our living rooms:
"... beelleeons and beelleeons of stars, in beelleeons and beelleeons of galaxies,
of beelleeons and beelleeons of universes, ..." [Note: it took Carl a while to get his TV chops together back then.]
Don't leave me hanging there Carl !!!! ... for the LOVE OF GOD, WHAT's NEXT ?!

Sagan, Carl, elucidated a hidden stigma about obscurity of space surrounding us, using visual mechanist color TV of that period to help with visual contexts. But, really Dudes and Dudettes, what is next?

I can do the painting, but it won't zig-zag, TEXT, quip or whizzzz, or translate. Will my kids be disappointed? BEELLEEONS of tear drops?

I can do the scene all right, but it might have some similarities with this one:

Coming Next Time: "Woody and the Space Man Arguing"