Friday, October 2, 2009

The Infinity Question

Infinity and the Barber Chair Experience
by Pat Darnell

I am looking at Visual paradise; that is a paradise I choose. Attracted to visual is only one benefit of my surfing the Internet. What does the visual lead me into?

Here is a page of a "brilliant" visual web site: The Billion Dollar Gram Information is Beautiful. That's correct; information is the beauty.
I had this conversation with mini-Me's just this evening, before work (night shift).

Pat2: "Hey, Dad, it would be cool if you did one of those .." and he waved his hands in the air.

Pat1: "What?"

P2: "One of those paintings ... like duplicate that one over there so that there is no end ..."

(P1, Dad looks at his TEXTING\ PC\ Soon to be Rock Star daughter for help)
Desiree1: "You mean infinity?" she said miraculously between multi-tasks, without ever looking up.

P2: "Like reflections in mirrors. We had those mirrors at the Chetman house, and it was fun to dance between them ... kind of spooky. When I was little, 'member?"

P1: "Okay, now I get it. Like in the old days at Barber Shops, they weren't fancy, they had mirrors in front and back; so that every time you sat in the barber chair you saw infinite reflections."

P2: "Kewl," he says to me, I think. "Yep, that's right." (then we have more pauses for infinite TEXT tete a tete's, as I sweat the details in my mind ... ) "I like that in paintings..." concludes P2 of our brief encounter with Infinity.

That is about the extent of the subject discussion -- but it lingers on in my mind through the night.. Even if I am alone in this feeling, I usually get a very "strange" queasy spell when I "try" to think of a universe never ending ... I suppose I have been puzzled by the aspect for my whole life.

For instance, do the nerve endings of the soles of our feet have origins in the beelleeons and beelleeons of stars?
[Answer: Yes, of course. Carl Sagan says "starstuff pondering the stars."]
So when knock-off-Armani-esque version-in-BanLon, Carl Sagan kept saying to us through our TV's in maple wood cabinets resting on burnt vegetable colored shag carpet in our living rooms:
"... beelleeons and beelleeons of stars, in beelleeons and beelleeons of galaxies,
of beelleeons and beelleeons of universes, ..." [Note: it took Carl a while to get his TV chops together back then.]
Don't leave me hanging there Carl !!!! ... for the LOVE OF GOD, WHAT's NEXT ?!

Sagan, Carl, elucidated a hidden stigma about obscurity of space surrounding us, using visual mechanist color TV of that period to help with visual contexts. But, really Dudes and Dudettes, what is next?

I can do the painting, but it won't zig-zag, TEXT, quip or whizzzz, or translate. Will my kids be disappointed? BEELLEEONS of tear drops?

I can do the scene all right, but it might have some similarities with this one:

Coming Next Time: "Woody and the Space Man Arguing"


Christina G. said...

Hey, Patrick...interesting post...interesting kids, too...(I appreciate your daughter's Rock Star aspirations, as I bid on eBay as 'closet_rockstar'!)

MooPig said...

"Closet Rock Star" ?

Now that is a mind bending image maker. Hmmmm. Okay, I was hedging that you would reply and guessed right. Desiree is an enigma, and she will probably Rock the Stars someday.

... but if one day you emerge from the closet, feel free to spray at any angle... we love what you do and say. You are the Best -- with emphasis on Star bright.

Christina G. said...

Humbly, I say 'thank you' - always delighted yet still surprised & amazed to be held in such esteem by you all..

actually, I do intend to get back to my song lyrics writing,& I had also started trying to learn how to read music back in the BB(before blogging) era...& what started me on eBay, in fact, now that I think about it, was looking to bid on & buy a keyboard. Rockstar SuperNova (?am I remembering the name right?) totally
was the best and Dilana was my hero(ine)..! I voted for her...!(She should have won, not that guy Lucas. She was the one.)

MooPig said...

Humility looks good on you. But then again I have never seen you.
Are you Dilana?!D4E3A7850BA2537A!297.entry

So I imagine that lyricist gambit would be a great preoccupation. I met a guy once who did it as a hobby. He had a basement full of all the things I ever imagined someone in that trade to have. Keyboard, music sheets around, and neatly filed, next to albums and tapes...

Otherwise he was CEO of some big Chicago outfit. Truly a "distant misty remembrance" I am tugging on here.

Christina G. said...

"But then again I have never seen you." - sorry about that, I don't have a digital camera! Working on that...

Alas, no, I am not Dilana...BUT I too am partial to "Every Breath You Take"/Police, and in fact have a 45rpm of the song...somewhere around here! Right alongside 'Men at Work'...

MooPig said...

As your first Palikir, and as one who knows you prioritize, I am asking you to come over and read with me. I do a lot of my organic commenting over there.

Jack Pribek is a musician, songwriter, good ole Missouri mountain lake shore dweller ... who was my best man in 1992, when Marinell and I merged our family interests ... married in other words.

The photo thing is not important, and if you want to keep your image hidden that way, it is plenty okay with me. But you must know these PC's can link up via MSN for real time phone-TV, webcam audio visual. Cool?

Christina said...

I will wend my way to hopefully sometime soon...

"... these PC's can link up via MSN for real time phone-TV, webcam audio visual>" - yeah, I'm vaguely aware of this stuff, but not too tech savvy or whatever, plus neither of my computers have working audio! I may eventually get it together...but my priority is research & writing when it comes to my PC.