Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Prayer of....

Lord make me an instrument of thy peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury, pardon.

Where there is doubt, faith.

Where there is despair, hope.

Where there is darkness, light

Where there is sadness, joy.
Todays Quiz: Who is credited with this famous prayer?

This was given to me on March 6, 1995 by my Aunt Fran Hynds, PhD. It is written on a bookmark made in USA, 1973, by Antioch Bookplate Co.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Examples Of Body Language



Brisk, erect walk


Standing with hands on hips

Readiness, aggression

Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly


Sitting, legs apart

Open, relaxed

Arms crossed on chest


Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched


Hand to cheek

Evaluation, thinking

Touching, slightly rubbing nose

Rejection, doubt, lying

Rubbing the eye

Doubt, disbelief

Hands clasped behind back

Anger, frustration, apprehension

Locked ankles


Head resting in hand, eyes downcast


Rubbing hands


Sitting with hands clasped behind head, legs crossed

Confidence, superiority

Open palm

Sincerity, openness, innocence

Pinching bridge of nose, eyes closed

Negative evaluation

Tapping or drumming fingers


Steepling fingers


Patting/fondling hair

Lack of self-confidence; insecurity

Tilted head


Stroking chin

Trying to make a decision

Looking down, face turned away


Biting nails

Insecurity, nervousness

Pulling or tugging at ear


Covered Dish Sunday Afternoon Picnic

From growl and gut

Of animal rut

Comes old milk

This cheese

From cluck and clatter

Of chicken’s patter

These eggs ‘n batters

In threes

Fried and boiled

In olive oil

From germ of wheat

On table neat

Pureed in wind-chaffed

Prairies take

Sandwich baked

So jump thee

Jump children

To table spread

Make haste

Away from puppy’s

Outstretched paws

Who’ll steal away fast

"...In the kitchen sink, looking like two freshly scrubbed cherubs, Sunday roasting [and] frying chickens..." dpd

Put patters of butter paste

On angel’s wings

And sing, sing, sing

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This little byte of mine; I'm going to let it Shine ...!!

"KB GB MB Whats Bigger?
"Can you put them in order, along with anything I am missing, "from smallest to biggest please? I didn't think so..."

The Yottabyte is the biggest you can get...YB

Yes I can... in ascending order KB MB GB on the list:

kB (kilobyte) 10001 = 103 KB ~10241 = 210 KiB (kibibyte)

210 KiB= MB (megabyte) 10002 = 106 MB 10242 = 220 MiB (mebibyte)

220 MiB= GB (gigabyte) 10003 = 109 GB 10243 = 230 GiB (gibibyte)

230 GiB= TB (terabyte) 10004 = 1012 TB 10244 = 240 TiB (tebibyte)

240 PB (petabyte) 10005 = 1015 PB 10245 = 250 PiB (pebibyte)

250 PiB= EB (exabyte) 10006 = 1018 EB 10246 = 260 EiB (exbibyte)

260 EiB= ZB (zettabyte) 10007 = 1021 ZB 10247 = 270 ZiB (zebibyte)

270 ZiB= YB (yottabyte) 10008 = 1024 YB 10248 = 280 YiB (yobibyte)


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Story

Michael Schuckert
Monday, July 21, 2008 9:16 AM
Mommy duck and ducklings

Something really amazing happened in Downtown Spokane this week and I had to share the story with you.
Joel Armstrong, is a loan officer at Sterling Bank. He works downtown in a second story office building, overlooking busy
Riverside Avenue
Several weeks ago he watched a mother duck choose the cement awning outside his window as the uncanny place to build a nest above the sidewalk.
The mallard laid ten eggs in a nest in the corner of the planter that is perched over 10 feet in the air.
She dutifully kept the eggs warm for weeks and Monday afternoon all of her ten ducklings hatched.

Joel worried all night how the momma duck was going to get those babies safely off their perch in a busy, downtown, urban environment
to take to water, which typically happens in the first 48 hours of a duck hatching.

Tuesday morning, Joel came to work and watched the mother duck encourage her babies to the edge of the perch
with the intent to show them how to jump off!
The mother flew down below and started quacking to her babies above.
In his disbelief Joel watched as the first fuzzy newborn toddled to the edge and astonishingly leapt into thin air, crashing onto the cement below.

My brother couldn't watch how this might play out.
He dashed out of his office and ran down the stairs the sidewalk where the first obedient duckling was stuporing near its mother from the near fatal fall.
Joel looked up. The second duckling was getting ready to jump! He quickly dodged under the awning while the mother duck quacked at him and the babies above.
As the second one took the plunge, Joel jumped forward and caught it with his bare hands before it hit the cement.
Safe and sound, he set it by the momma and the other stunned sibling, still recovering from its painful leap.

One by one the babies continued to jump to join their anxious family below.
Each time Joel hid under the awning just to reach out in the nick of time as the duckling made its free fall.
The downtown sidewalk came to a standstill.

Time after time, Joel was able to catch the remaining 9 and set them by
their approving mother.
At this point Joel realized the duck family had only made part of its dangerous journey.
They had 2 full blocks to walk across traffic, crosswalks, curbs, and pedestrians to get to the closest open water, the
Spokane River .

The onlooking office secretaries then joined in, and hurriedly brought an
empty copy paper box to collect the babies.

They carefully corralled them, with the mother's approval, and loaded them up into the white cardboard container.
Joel held the box low enough for the mom to see her brood.
He then slowly navigated through the downtown streets toward the Spokane River, as the mother waddled behind and kept her babies in sight.

As they reached the river, the mother took over and passed him, jumping into the river and quacking loudly.
At the water's edge, the Sterling Bank office staff then tipped the box and helped shepherd the babies toward the water and to their mother after their adventurous ride.

All ten darling ducklings safely made it into the water and paddled up
snugly to momma duck.
Joel said the mom swam in circles, looking back toward the beaming bank workers, and proudly quacking as if to say, 'See, we did it! Thanks for all the help!'

Thankfully, one of the secretaries had a digital camera and was able to capture most of it (except the actually mid-air catching) in a series of photographs.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jesus is the Punctuation

When you give your heart to Jesus, there is no turning back, for Him. I have heard it all, so I think. Truth is I haven't heard much of anything. When I hear soft encouraging words over my own usury of banal self-loathing, I still am extremely shocked.

Every day I live through could be like shooting without aim, climbing without stairs, sitting without comfort... and in my particular situation, sleeping without rest. I know you understand because you also are living through this moment with or without Jesus.

It seems like sometimes I get all off into myself, like I have some great influence by the shear gravity of my stature. It is like a blank time though. You see, I may have been in my personal time with Jesus just a few days ago. Then I sort of got sidetracked. Then I remembered at last to pray before I try to sleep because one of the kids is ill.

But there is someone who knows more about that moment just a moment ago. Jesus lives every moment to bring gifts of glory to God our Father Almighty, and we are the gifts. Young or old and anything in between, Jesus does not leave the scene we are in. He is in everything that happens and that will happen. I give my heart to Jesus, and He is my eternal faithful and steadfast messenger of good news to God the Father.

Jesus is the quotation marks around the last few days. When I am without aim, I am without punctuation; I am without my good self talk with Jesus. He is such a great friend, He always picks up exactly where I need Him to pick up. He does the right thing in honor of our friendship.

Who'd a' thought
there'd be resistance
to the Son of God,
Son of Man

Dreaming Lazarus
a' lay a'sleep
only sleeping
four levels deep
quiet keeping

Outside his people
lost many days
yet weeping
saying it is too late

Jesus you are too late
Lazarus is in an awful state
none can go in
he is taken

Jesus walked --
and He called out loud --
sleeping Lazarus rose --
Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord
sang out the crowd

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Believe

" He that keepeth his mouth,
keepeth his life,
But he that openeth wide his lips
shall have destruction". Prov 13:2

The nature of atheism is to deny the existence of God. Carried on it denies faith. This is the basic conflict. Is there God the creator or did everything we know, see and feel just happen?

The Constitution makes it illegal to deny either belief to any citizen of the U.S. The ACLU provides a defense of both.

Insanity, which one can plea to be suffering from so as to free one from prosecution for ones actions, has been characterized as repeating actions expecting different results. It is a mental loop of hopelessness and despair which spills over to physical action. Usually something bad happens from the action. Then the court decides if the person was sane or insane when they performed the action and punishment is dealt accordingly.

No matter what man says, Jesus said "How be it, this kind go not out but by prayer and fasting." Matt 17 : 21

Insanity. How close we walk to the edge and look in the abyss. What keeps us from losing out balance and falling? Medication? Will power? Luck? To admit insanity is to admit existence of Satan. God admits his existence. Jesus was tempted by him in the hills. "It is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." "Get thee hence Satan" Matt 4 : 7 & 10.

Marines are warriors trained by repetition and mental toughness. Combine this training with belief in God and the Holy Spirit, bound with the redemption of Christ and a man or woman becomes special, not only in the eyes of God but in our grounded world's eyes.

Belief in God is such a heavy load to bear. The love of God moves mountains. It is an "incredible lightness" which makes us able to bear that load. You should pray, first in your 'belief.' Then ask for forgiveness and 'say thanks.' Then forgive others. Finally ask to be delivered from Satan's wiles. For Satan can darken your vision with madness and despair. So instead of caving in and becoming the rage mongers we are depicted as, rise to the grace we have received and be special; "As every man (and woman) has received the gift, EVEN SO minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the Manifold grace of God" 1 Peter 4 : 10


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Top Ten Countdown "Why Evangelsim Fails"

Jesus left us with a sacred charge. He commanded us to: "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Mat 28:19, 20a)

That being the case, who can blame us if in our zeal, some of our evangelistic attempts fail to fulfil their original intention? The most important thing is that people are trying to share God's love, right?

Well, if you are a Christian, you have a responsibility to share your faith. In order to save you from some of the "sharing pitfalls", let me offer you the September 2001 Edition of the Heavenly Top Ten, which is:

  • 10. With the obvious popularity of Christian Bumper Stickers, who could have predicted the demise of the ill-fated Christian forehead sticker?

  • 9. The organization "Abductions for Jesus", while well-meant, has been considered a little too extreme by most!

  • 8. While handing out free bibles was a great idea, dropping them from a helicopter in the mall parking lot, created some problems!

  • 7. No matter how many times they tweaked their program, "Tupperware For Christ" just wasn't a fresh enough idea!

  • 6. Who would have thought that the church offering of a free community car wash could have ended so badly? Then again, who could be expected to remember that "the late" Pastor Bill liked to store his used paint thinner in car-wax containers?

  • 5. Offering bungee jumping from the church steeple certainly attracted a younger target audience. Unfortunately, no one seemed to remember who was responsible for making sure that the bungee cord wasn't too long!

  • 4. The enthusiastic youth group of Hornblast Meadows Christian Church decided it was time to revisit the age old idea of going door to door. Unfortunately the idea of trying it with cars, in rush hour traffic, just ran out of gas!

  • 3. Jittery Hills Baptist Church thought it was a great idea to offer free coffee and donuts to everyone who visited. Unfortunately, all the police cruisers in the church parking lot sent the wrong message to the community!

  • 2. The evangelism committee of Faux Pas Valley Community Church still stands behind the idea of a community BBQ. Next time though, they won't BBQ a pig in this mostly Jewish neighborhood!

  • 1. And the number one failed evangelism idea is: Leaving the lost for your minister to save!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beware the leaven of man...

I say this little phrase often, so I wanted to look it up again and make sure I am still on track. Sometimes I am comparing my enormous physical size to that of leavened bread. Other times I am slicing the bread and saying this body of Christ is many different portions, and the best part is unleavened.

It means sacrifice to stay trim in the Word of God requires being satisfied with unleavened bread. ..Preferably with a little garlic sprinkled on melted butter and dipped in pizza sauce.

Please be smiling when I say things like that!!

Behold what paragons of religion were the Pharisees!

They were noted for their steadfastness. The name Pharisee in its Semitic form means "separated one, separatist." Pharisees were known also as the Hasidim, meaning "loved of God" or "loyal to God." Of all the Jewish sects (including also Sadducees, Herodians, Zealots, Essenes,, this was acknowledged as the most separated and steadfast to God, the "strictest sect" of the Jewish religion (Acts 26:5).

They were noted for their knowledge. The Jewish historian Josephus acknowledged them as "the most accurate exegetes of the law." They were associated with the scribes, "teachers of the law" (e.g. Luke 5:17). Christ said, "The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do" (Matthew 23:2f).

They were noted for their exactness. They would even "pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin" (Matthew 23:23), stringently ascertaining that their tithing extended even to the leaves grown in their herb gardens.

They were noted for their soul-winning. Christ acknowledged that "you travel land and sea to win one proselyte" (Matthew 23:15).

They were noted for their works. Their charitable deeds, prayers, fastings, and all other religious duties were highly lauded by their countrymen (Matthew 6:1ff).

They were noted for their righteousness. When Saul of Tarsus exemplified them, he was "concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless" (Philippians 3:5f). They had well earned the honor of being distinguished as the most righteous people in their religion.

Matthew 16:6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GOOD NEWS FROM THE REDEEMER August 11, 2001Jesus Christ nevertheless warns us to "Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees" (Matthew 16:6). The "leaven" of the Pharisees was their "doctrine" (v.12). Jesus Christ here used "leaven" as an emblem of an impurity which permeates and makes unacceptable all with which it comes in contact (as in Exodus 12:15, 19). (Retrieved here today for critical review: )

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth Of July

Lady Liberty Fireworks(click on Picture for link)