Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jesus is the Punctuation

When you give your heart to Jesus, there is no turning back, for Him. I have heard it all, so I think. Truth is I haven't heard much of anything. When I hear soft encouraging words over my own usury of banal self-loathing, I still am extremely shocked.

Every day I live through could be like shooting without aim, climbing without stairs, sitting without comfort... and in my particular situation, sleeping without rest. I know you understand because you also are living through this moment with or without Jesus.

It seems like sometimes I get all off into myself, like I have some great influence by the shear gravity of my stature. It is like a blank time though. You see, I may have been in my personal time with Jesus just a few days ago. Then I sort of got sidetracked. Then I remembered at last to pray before I try to sleep because one of the kids is ill.

But there is someone who knows more about that moment just a moment ago. Jesus lives every moment to bring gifts of glory to God our Father Almighty, and we are the gifts. Young or old and anything in between, Jesus does not leave the scene we are in. He is in everything that happens and that will happen. I give my heart to Jesus, and He is my eternal faithful and steadfast messenger of good news to God the Father.

Jesus is the quotation marks around the last few days. When I am without aim, I am without punctuation; I am without my good self talk with Jesus. He is such a great friend, He always picks up exactly where I need Him to pick up. He does the right thing in honor of our friendship.

Who'd a' thought
there'd be resistance
to the Son of God,
Son of Man

Dreaming Lazarus
a' lay a'sleep
only sleeping
four levels deep
quiet keeping

Outside his people
lost many days
yet weeping
saying it is too late

Jesus you are too late
Lazarus is in an awful state
none can go in
he is taken

Jesus walked --
and He called out loud --
sleeping Lazarus rose --
Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord
sang out the crowd


d2r2 said...

"that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each others faith, both yours and mine." Rom 1:12

A restful sleep may be out of reach,
I once was fitful in the dark.
Or not to be calm in repose.

I watched a sailor grab at the elusive shut-eye, rough seas, no relief. His eyes did close.

As we reached the fishing grounds,
Others, on wobbly legs worked.
That fisherman became energy.

Fellows looked on him with envy, he slept as we bucked. I went close to thread bait with him.

Our team fought the sea, he joined it. We must take our rest as it is provided by God. He loves our need.

Providence and grace are blips on our screen. How blessed are the seafarers, the shepherds?

Our psyches yearn for solitude.
Is it attainable? Our matrix demands attention. Stressfully.

Beat it back, or engulf the stress.
God listens. We have choice. We have a blip to home in on, Beloved.

MooPig said...

Wow, you are writing in the spirit... no? That is [indescribably] delicious words... "He loves our need" and "Beat it back, or engulf the stress" two more Wow.