Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Dangling of Carrots is as old as Angels, for God told them to, righteously

As my Father in Heaven tries to replace the constant ringing of "me,me,me,me,me,me,me,me" in these clogged ears with "God,God,God,God,God,God,God,God,God!", the notion that we are all together in a virtual room talking, laughing, sharing, witnessing and spilling our emotions and "Pieces of our hearts", as Janis so aptly wailed, to each other and all who care to take the trouble to enjoy and agonize, as R.C. eloquently shared , and learn, as yours truly is, how #&@!*^?&:) amazing IT IS, keeps me on the edge of my seat, anticipating more.

My eclectic and verrrry sleepy brother,( Remove all invasive thoughts from your mind and watch the clock hands tick, tick, tick) and I have joined in the "Tough Prayer for us and our father, Bob, during his senior walk, to be suppliant and responsive to the idiosyncrasies that we share as unique but bound to each other, men of identical genes. How successful our prayers are depends on the perceiver, but as God's child, put near our parents, I want to report to Pat, Sylvia and Becky that all seems to be as intended, minus the commitment to Christ. So we must pray again and again, without end ."

" I appeal to you brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:1&2.

Paul was the type of man who is missing from our limelight these days, a devoted, eloquent and fearless " man of God". He goes on in Romans 14 to say "One man believes he can eat meat sacrificed to idols, yet the other man who won't eat the meat and will eat only vegetables, is called weak. God has welcomed them both and says do not dispute over opinions."
We have grown up with the fine explanation of how opinions are similar to an anatomical orifice and we all have one. Now, what I get here is to be healthy, moderate and it seems God has an interest in us eating our vegetables, which include carrots.

"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent forth to serve, for the sake of those who are heirs of salvation?" Heb 1:14

More than once I have been told stories that can only be explained by the grace of God, through his angels. Several by our Dad, some by close friends and once or twice random stories. I have felt the presence of Our Lord, close at my side on occasions very dear to me. Angels are the ministering spirits of God. They enhance our feeling of majesty and Holy Spiritual glory when God is over-powering the worldly travails that assault us. Can you feel that power sometimes?

Well, beloveds, as a cohort of my brother, in all of this, sleep well with the grace of God and tomorrow eat your vegetables.

1 comment:

MooPig said...

He goes on in Romans 14 to say "One man believes he can eat meat sacrificed to idols, yet the other man who won't eat the meat and will eat only vegetables, is called weak. God has welcomed them both and says do not dispute over opinions."

AAAhhhh Thanks for that one, and this one:

We have grown up with the fine explanation of how opinions are similar to an anatomical orifice and we all have one. Now, what I get here is to be healthy, moderate and it seems God has an interest in us eating our vegetables, which include carrots.
