Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Arctic or Iranian desert?
I thought these photos were a commercial for Obama picturing his planned meeting with his bear friend Ahmadinejad in Iran.
Oops, our cameras caught the last photo in the sequence, not likely to be printed in the NY Times.

Your roving photographer, Compostholestoy


MooPig said...

Dear Roving:
We depend on your roving-ness self to post the truth, as you have so aptly, once again.

Does the Pope ... in the woods?

Grateful that you're on the scene:
MooPig Staff

d2r2 said...

Hmmm. I always get stuck on "Is rice white?" or "Is sand gritty?", we all know the Pope wears a beanie, sometimes. Mary, Mother of Jesus. He reigns.

Go to Chron.com/videos and look for "Lion attack" filmed by a couple from the Woodlands. The law of the jungle with a nobody gets hurt but we all got a good work-out twist to it.

I am looking forward to playing golf "wit all youse".

MooPig said...

I saw this special on NGC last weekend... truly amazing. I think we have seen just the tip of the iceberg in videographed drama:

So Nelson contacted National Geographic Channel about making a documentary. The result is a one-hour special airing Sunday that tells the story behind the video; reunites the four travelers with their safari guide, Frank Watts, in Kruger Park at the site where the struggle had taken place; and provides commentary from wildlife experts.

Thanks D2R2.