Friday, February 15, 2008

Love is finding Lasting Love, by Patrick Darnell

A Majority thinks it's Man-made
Notes: from a documentary on Science/History Channel

Love is a change in state
Greenland is once covered in ice
on its land, it has the earth's fastest moving glacier
Normally it moves with the changes in seasons
like a clockwork, to and fro

There is a change in state-of-being for Greenland's glacier; let's call it the frozen ice barrier. It's regular condition is being affected by a runaway torrent of melt-water coming off the surface of the ice barrier. This torrent finds its way into a crevass, then plunges to its own level, cutting all the way down 100 meters below the barrier, as water tends to do. Love can be a torrent of wills clashing in the attempt to break down icy barriers. (2006)

What next happens is a rather large and totally scary cracking and loss of huge ice trays that are actually floating cliffs on torrents of water, enormous in scale. In first stages, water is finding its way to underneath, between bedrock and thick ice, making for cataclysmic ice slides. As huge cliffs sluff off into the sea, there is enough freshwater in just one off-shedding cliff to nourish and sustain all of NYC for a year.

Might also love turn-about two forces of human nature; find a creative way to handle opposing hands? Love in this vortex, swirling about two states of being, may also look destructive in the process. Is love not also trying to reach a common level and equilibrium?

Glacier Ice is a barrier built over many centuries of repeated forces acting in patterns. Once the patterns are reset, then another normal reaction occurs. Ice turns into water: Cool, clear, ancient water.

One can actually pick up a piece of the newly exposed ancient ice, and listen to it. It is full of tiny bubbles packed with compressed gas. As the ice pieces continue to change from ice to water, pops can be heard. Tiny explosions released in tune with massive ice cliffs swaying and falling, floating in the briney slush of surrounding sea.
For two forces to move beyond conditional love and find unconditional, or, divine love, a gap must be crossed. How does one find love that lasts; what makes love last?

Love is no less a human trait, and now we find it is no less nature's trait. So if one seeks God, one confronts His nature. Allow love to woo, mold, and melt. Compressed feelings will escape, let loose to streams of living water in oceans's cleansing action. Getting beyond the initial stages is a struggle to bear, in finding and experiencing divine love. Observe it in all changes in state, all around, all the time.

But then you already knew that, didn't you, cherished friends and lovers?
Thumb, G1. (2006/Oct/27). Are We Overheating? Greenlands glaciers will raise the stakes. video(retrieved today at:


compostholesto said...

you are creative, wise, insightful and artistic.
you devote so much time and contemplation to your friends and loved ones.
if I were a crying man, I would spend a lot of time weeping over your writings - in bittersweet joy as you take what is unseen and materialize it for the simpleminded in stories, metaphor, nonsense and poetry.
it is a little crazy, a little dangerous, somewhat holy and uniquely You.
In other words, I liked your article a lot.
Cmpsthlsty (Half speechless, no vowels)

Anonymous said...

The rain is washing over the coastal plain again. Immense clouds of salty water brought out of the Gulf of Mexico by Caribbean sea breezes and mixed with low pressure sliding down the east slope of the Rockies turns us into rainy day people many times a Winter. People used to shun us because of this phenomenon and now they seem to flock here from all over the World to revel in it, sixty-four native tongues spoken at Lee High School, where our little sister went 25 years ago with her group of, similarly raised, middle American Houstonians, mainly natives. That glacier with all of the crashing waves seems to be trying to break the pattern. How many millenias, since the World you so eloquently embraced earlier in these blessed entries, experienced an upheaval of its core and crust and veil of oxygen ? Are we all so complacent that we fail to follow the drama you have shared with us through Hubble's eye and be awed and humbled by the Majesty of His creation ? You aren't complacent and satisfied, Brother, you seeker and scribe of truth and beauty and love. I'm your servant and seconder of Cmpsthlsy's salutation. Dvd

MooPig said...

Both of you'se are breaking me down, in the good way. I keep asking Why, and you two keep materializing like auras of misfit angels visiting me in my denizen. And no less obvious, you are men of great warrior status.
Your comments are edifying and generous. Our children will be blessed. I hope we can continue writing in the Spirit until we are all together again, then we'll have a party.. pd