Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Humor and the Word

By David Darnell

I failed to mention in the last gloomy and downright oppressive post that God's blessings to us include the ability to laugh. I feel and hear a booming laugh every time I say" I ", and even more so, a totally, hearty laugh when this grounded pilgrim says something about "Plans I have."

The word is platypus. If humor isn't a cornerstone of this universe, then where did these critters come from ? You can't say their Mommies, because it would appear they had flings some time in the formative years and the genes got crossed. Or did God decide He would dip His creative finger in the soup and see what wonders were left ? He still, on a daily basis, knocks me for a loop with this World of His, that He gave to us. Two, mated-for-life, red-tailed hawks climbing afternoon thermals into the Sun, calling out to all who can hear, " We rule this portion of sky-eeeeee. " "Sky-eeeeee."

I'm a miserable typist. Hope all who are blogging with our mentor PD of MPW, all three of us,
keep the torrent of words spilling into the drain-pipes of the WEB. No 0's and 1's for these blogs.
We must find a way to get General Motors, oops excuse me I mean Toyota, on board. We only want the biggest and most well financed entities involved. The quasi and semi- quasi are welcome to comment and post. Even the ones out there who fail to realize the shear genius and fabulous intellect it takes to keep these lines of communication completely random and fairly disjointed are asked to not mess things up with concise or well thought out entries, off the cuff, if you please.

We have an awesome God, we were washed, we were sanctified, we were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. (Beware the liberals) I Cor. 6:9

Love to all, DD


MooPig said...

Great words Dave, I keep listening, and I remain steadfast in the faith, repulsive sinner that I am. >pd

MooPig said...

I think your typing is en fuego!