Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Anonymity of Internet: Unity in Messages

Just wanted to tell every person I have had the privilege to know, that I am so grateful to have you each in my life. I pray you have with me a blessed hour, blessed day, blessed night, week, month.... Blessed Life!

May everyone who receives this message be blessed. It is difficult to decide who I thought could go through this with me. That is because many people claim to pray, but not everyone does. I hope I chose the right twelve. Please send one of yours back to me: "You'll see why."

To magnify our blessings use this simple repeating number 12. For instance there are 12 months/ 12 disciples/ 12 tribes of Israel / Jesus' birth celebrated in the 12th month. This is our message of faith, hope and steadfast charity attached, to forward to twelve others.

Prayer is the only free gift we receive. Couldn't pay for it if you tried...and lots of reward. I encourage you to pray, and pray believing God will answer.

Today is all you need it to be. The peace of God and the ambience of His Holy Spirit rests in your thoughts, rules in your dreams, and conquers all fear. Today you wear the armor of God, and you have the enlightened mind of Jesus Christ.

God is manifest today in all ways to you, as you might never have experienced before. Look to joy fulfilled, dreams much closer, and prayers answered. I pray you experience faith at greater intensity; I pray that I and you give God the Father Almighty all our heart, and seek his rightness, that these things be added to our eternal life with Him.

I pray for peace, healing, health, happiness, prosperity, joy, true undying love for our Father.

Now send this to 12 people within 5 minutes and remember to send this back..... I count as 2, you'll see why.

Suggestion: Copy and Paste rather than just forward in email. The lists of addressees get too long.

[Note from editors: Message Received anonymously in email, edited for blog.

It has been my experience that this and other similar messages have circled the earth many times. They began when email was invented. This one is obviously very aged, in terms of how I received it: the language is unnervingly the same as it was the first five times it went by me. I mention the language because in passing messages around most the time the meaning is altered, lost or just plain mispoken. This message remains coherent.

Notice I said "five times:" I am witness how easy it is to just say no. But after it goes by several times, something starts to wriggle its way into the cognitive conscience of us beings' sitting at keyboards; Then two then four, and so on, in multiples of twelve.

I respect the logic, and the message inherent in the letter; that of encouragement. I send it on in respect for myself as keeper of faith, of hope and of charity. I look forward to a return of the message because I made an oath to seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness. I trust that others will remain loyal also. God bless you all.] >>pd d2r2

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