Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Presbyterian Cult | Truthout

[Picture LINK Blog]

My Presbyterian Cult | Truthout:
EXCERPT  |  " ... "Cult" is most commonly used pejoratively, to describe a religious group that undermines people's independence and individuality. If the group requires you to renounce your family or community, turn over your property to the group and follow a charismatic figure without question, most people agree it's a cult and unhealthy." (Robert Jensen, Truthout | Op-Ed. 5 November 2011. HERE ) ... " Robert Jensen is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin
'via Blog this'
I am attracted to the article because I was raised in the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church of Houston.

The best part of this LINK is the comment section after the article. The article is a pedantic piece giving lots of definitions, and that is probably why others found it important to comment. The debate in the comment section clearly draws lines. Some speak of delusion, others tell how they view historic Mosaic Christianity.
" ... I couldn't agree more, whenever I consider christ and what he's supposed to have said and done, I too see beautiful, gentle, wise and simple. He also identified the evil in the world, the money merchants and the religious leaders; the 1%. All religions, at their core, have beautiful, gentle, wise and simple principles which engage with most of us. All religions then manipulate and corrupt that for their own benefit. (Robin Harrison, commentator)... "
" ... With all the hatred expressed by supposed Christians, I wonder what Christ would think of the death penalty, killing abortion doctors to stop abortions, calling other religious teachings cults, justifying oppressing poor and middle-class people's because of "Christian Ethics", etc. All of these actions seem to have their roots in Mosaic Law not those laws and teachings of Jesus Christ. (QASensei, commentator) ... "
" ... Conclusion (from second source 1996)
The modern Protestant church has abandoned the ideal of Christian cultural transformation, and God has abandoned the church culturally. The church finds itself compromised by the culture of modernism, yet it has neither hope in transforming culture nor the tool of dominion: biblical law. The church lives in a remnant condition, not as a temporary shield of anonymity, but as a preferred way of life. No wonder evangelism has nearly died in the West. No wonder God has withdrawn His Holy Spirit to the sidelines of culture. God is giving His people what they have sought: cultural remnant status. They have wilfully abandoned the ideal of Christian culture–the ideal of Christendom–so God has abandoned His church culturally. Unpleasant, isn't it? (Gary North. March/April 1996. LINK) ... "
[apostatize, apostatise [əˈpɒstəˌtaɪz] vb :: to forsake or abandon one's belief, faith, or allegiance. LINK]


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