Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Time to be Wise: "The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted." — D.H. Lawrence

Response to Young female with Labile Temperament
by Pat Darnell  |  12.13.2009

On the First Day of Wisdom :: Focus on Family: The vines we graft into ourselves have tender grapes, always. However, have you ever noticed what is good for family, often is not so good for industry ... so now what do we do?

Which was the question perched on everyone's lips when Jesus was crucified: What do I do now? Peter had denied knowing Jesus 'three times' the night of His arrest. Peter it is said, went home to his fishing village after Christ Jesus was gone from sight... I am guessing Peter was a total emotional and mental wreck at this time in his life. And what of his family who was left to themselves during Peter's confusion?  Industry versus Family ... wow that's a heavy concept.

This is a question, that just maybe, is answered as a development of the written word, and speaking structured thoughts. No?
Main Entry: la·bile | Pronunciation: \ˈlā-ˌbī(-ə)l, -bəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: French, from Middle French, prone to err, from Late Latin labilis, from Latin labi to slip — more at sleep | Date: 1603
1 : readily or continually undergoing chemical, physical, or biological change or breakdown : unstable, as in a labile mineral --
2 : readily open to change
— la·bil·i·ty \lā-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
Reference to Art eScholarship

1 comment:

d2r2 said...

The same is true in government. I once thought that a family man would lead government with truth and wisdom, to coincide with his attempt to do the same with his family.
As I've grown older and drawn clos-er to The Lord, by His grace, I realize more and more, without a wise and truthful focus on Him, the rest will play out to futility.