Monday, February 27, 2012

18:15 2-22-2012

While leaving the Ash Wednesday afternoon Mass at St. Helen, strolling under the Bells, Dora and I watched a Red Shouldered Hawk bank out of the live oaks toward one of the beautiful gilded Crosses on the Church. She swooped over the roof and disappeared as only a hawk is capable of.

That area of the grounds has two flag poles with the Stars and Stripes and the Lone Star displayed. In the afternoons, more often than not, wind is summoned here by Jesus to make the trees dance, the buildings sigh and the flags...always salute Him.

This Day of His was celebration for us in the Mass. Lady Hawk also prayed to The Lord as His creatures do. His miracles are all around.

As I took my cell phone off my belt to charge, that night, it was locked at 18:15 2-22-2012. The same time His Church, His creatures and two of His servants stood in Awe.

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