Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I love the search for good Water

Good Water

I was preparing to wrap it up with a smile but decided to tough it out just before I turned off the computer but a hiccup made me hit the button twice and it re-started. So yes, no, maybe, I don't know! But I love the search for good water.

June 18, 2008 5:25 PM Stephen Muttly the Funk Dood

if Christ ate the fruit he would be just the same as us. he starved and strifed himself dictionary words are brought about with thees and more so's. If we look behind the basic misconception. Jesus was the same disciple as Buddha and Mohammad. He applied different principles for each society. Nowadays people lose reality of the true intent of religion. Offer faith and hope ful ness. I spilt the split image of a flawed system. Writing is flawed in the sense of containment. Biohazard words on pages say the same thing. REalize the true definition of history past promises. Math an extended ham mockary. Science does not provide comfort to your dying world. Literature is initially flopped. REad Write and Rhythm it Right. Or get Left Behind. Let what happens be and search for the outer limits. Solar your polar cold and heat it up like global warming hit home. The ozone is hairsprayed to death. Take a shower and slick back your lick. This is something that I need to say to make a new slither into the mind and make the forward progressed. Thank You for reading this I hope it was blessed. No more tests unless I can figure them none the less. Stephen Muttly the Funk Dood. Peace one Bob Marley. Hit it up.

June 18, 2008 6:36 PM

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