Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"The walls between art and engineering exist only in our minds." (Theo Jansen)


Christina G. said...

Haven't actually watched the video (don't have audio) so my comment only relates to your title...but I have often thought that, as I analyze & organize, as I separate, compartmentalize & arrange,in my mind as I think, or when performing a physical task of any kind, I'm creating a form of art...the harder-edged elements still create a picture/form. Balance, contrast & composition are involved. Definitely art, in my book!

MooPig said...

GGurl et al:
This particular video has performers who use only their voices with microphones to do the entire song.. uncanny in my book.
If I may, let me explain engineering and state of the art. My professor in engineering said once: "..he plans to take us to the edge of engineering so we can further test the "state of the art."

It all came home to me, when I was visiting friends in Chicago and noticed the "exquisite" iron work of the support columns of the elevated trains in downtown Chicago. Never had seen a subway\elevated train up until that moment.. coming from Houston.

Those supports were ornate... beautiful, extravagant by today's "state of the art" iron work...

I came to read later that those steel structures had been formed and installed in the 1800's.. blew my young mind away.. but seems silly now.

Things like that used to blow me away every day back when I was young. I found that quote and this vid... sort of reminded me of those days.. Thanks for dropping your comment in///[pd]

Christina G. said...

"...blew my young mind away.. but seems silly now."

Not silly then, not silly now...I wouldn't mind seeing those iron supports myself one day! In fact, the novel I'd been writing (before blogging entered my life!) is set in the late 1800's, so I'm kind of interested in that time period, and had been researching alot about it a couple years ago.