Sunday, February 10, 2013

  • Sylvia Caffery
    Hi again, Sorry I had to go fast because Snow Bell was whining to go out, and other things I had to check on. But I seek for your deliverance in every way for your complete peace in God, the only true peace.

    And when you are "stalwart" on the Word for yourself, then the other things cannot get in. Uncompromising on the Word, then all the compromises are rejected in your mind, and they go away in the name of Jesus Christ. So God works on your behalf with His Word in your mind. That way you continue to do good works regardless of people because you can never depend on people outside of the Word in people; the degree to which the Word lives with people.

    Now we know that Mom and Dad practiced a lot of the Word automatically with us, expecting high standards for us, the way they were raised in the Word. I know that I didn't know the full extent of the Word until I was over 30 years old, so I could not honor thy father and mother until after that. But ever since I understood the Word, I have engrained these commands and truths in my mind, so no matter what people do or what they are like, I decide to do the Word. That's my stand, and when I do, then God works in, around, through, toward, and every way to bring Godly results to my efforts.

     And I know that is what you are involved in also; renewing your mind to do service to God by obeying his Word. You are receiving rewards, and there are more rewards to come for every time you obey God's Word and in remaining stalwart on the Word, you are rejecting those other ways that are not His will. Uncompromising in the Word you lay claim to your own rewards now and future. So the other stuff that tries to interfere with that must fall away, leaving you free to serve and glorify God, the only real way to prosper in this life and the one to come. God ensured success when He gave commands like this, so that no matter what happens in life with people who you can never depend on, you will succeed with Him by standing unfalteringly on His Word. 

    Just to remind you since you face demons as you work to obey God because I have had and do have the same types of demons in my face, too, because they want us to get off the Word in our minds, so then we can't claim our rewards, but then I remember God's promises, commands, and rewards, and I get my mind back on track and get peace from knowing I am not stuck with anything ungodly, but I have access every second to God and all of His might. 

    And He has already won the victory on our behalf.   We claim it; it is ours.
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