Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wha'd Jya Say?

                Wha'd Jya Say?
Wha'd jya say, wha'd jya say?
What was it that you said, to share your heart today?
Said you care; said you'd be there; or you
Don't dare, cause"we can't bear?"

What was it?  Wha'd you mean?
How'd you screen for what you mean,
D'jya hear, or did jya read; 
Did jya concede, to repeat,
The scheme of things today?

How'd jya know; when'd jya learn;
Where'd jya lean to glean the means,
From which schemes deem,
To bend your dreams today?

How'd jya choose what you would say,
When you would speak, to share your dreams today?
Did you perceive, that you'd recede from your beliefs,
To further schemes today?

Almost there; where was the scare, that caused our err,
To intervene today?
From fear within; threat without; 
Intimidation round about?

Tomorrow...speak truth.
Bare your heart, let it hang out.
Your mind is sound on solid ground,
With words resounding truth you've found.

Light, in standing right, upholds the fight,
Of facing truth on high.
What did jya say?  You're FREE indeed!!
And I agreed!  
You're in the lead.


d2r2 said...

Since God helped me discover this voice of F.A.S.T. some years ago, it has remained mostly reflections on prayerful thoughts about God, Jesus and the Spirit, which is everything; by two godly men. Welcome new voices, female voices, you are blessings to God and us and are the reason God allows us here at F.A.S.T. to share His glory.

Anonymous said...

d2r2, Thank you for the great pictures for the blog, and for your welcome to share F.A.S.T. and the blessings. How did you know I was a female, since I was unknown? I didn't know how to put my name in.

I love the pictures.
