Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Antichrist...Have You Seen This Man?

The Antichrist...Have You Seen This Man?: EXCERPT  |  " ... "I have some observations of my own to make about the Antichrist. First of all, I have no idea who he is. When you examine history, people who become well known on the world stage often have been largely unknown before they became famous. Hitler was a good example. Before he ruled much of Europe, at one low point, he was living in a flophouse. If you had walked by him, you never would have guessed he would someday threaten to take over the world. When the time for the Antichrist comes, he will achieve great power, but right now he could be out pumping gas at some service station." (Todd Strandberg. no date. HERE)

'via Blog this'

Read the Entire Article HERE ...



d2r2 said...

As this civilization ages along, with all the success and failure, in the straining for God and His vision of us...the Eurozone seems antichrist-like. The internal attacks, the proximity to Holy Lands, the external slaughters, Tower of Babel language barriers, one currency attempts, multiple charismatic leaders with golden tongues and veiled motives. Maybe, we are not paying the attention God asks for.

MooPig said...

Europe has its kings and queens and its extreme competitiveness between nations ... I don't see them ever succumbing to unity.. they will bankrupt themselves before submitting to each other.