Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rage -- Get it to the Maker, He needs all that you have

by Pat Darnell

Rage is the observable pace and speed of the Spirit of God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth.... so I say.

Why say that? Simple: it is too easy to skip over unless one is "slowed down" and able to see better.

It is said that rabbi's practice three-day fasts, having only water, to cleanse themselves for an important event. And it is also done when important decisions must be made. How are we to judge others if we are not some how transformed into a better judge?

So it is with seeing the blinding, raging, speeding works of God. Think it over.

Clues are all over the Bible; in both books. The old testaments suggest a seven spirited God, whose name cannot be said. The new testaments, especially Revelations of John, repeat the same seven spirits of God, seven heads, seven seals. It is a pretty important number; so must be number three, but I have heard rabbi's sometimes have seven day fasts when confronted with enormous decisions.

This is what I want to say: if you have rage ... and almost everyone does ... then point it directly to God through Jesus Christ. That is the crux of this post. God in his infinite conservation of all things will use your rage. Where you fail in emotional upheaval, He creates and puts everything to good use.

Would you ever say "the volcano flows calmly in bows of gentle turns" ? No you are more likely to say "the volcano rages." God, in one of His "seven" spirits creates, controls and, recycles, volcanoes in raging speed.

1 comment:

d2r2 said...

Since man is an egotistical and self-centered being, by his sinful nature, it is only a process that follows all history recordings and current reports, that he will think artificial time is his to rule. Whereas, in the reality of Gods time we are at His infinite mercy. It is brilliant and inspired thought to recommend handing rage over to God. Even more so to perceive the failing of man to be energy for God. OMG! Alleluia!