Tuesday, September 30, 2008

God Has The Answer To The Question

by Dave Darnell
As I try to share my limited views, as related to my belief that God has given me a chance to make peace with all those I've wronged and offended, it becomes more evident that without a faith, strong and undeterred by gainsaying, nothing will pass.

Jesus is the path to that chance. His blood, outside the gate, joined Him to us. His blood, on the Tree, joined him to the Heavens, sanctified us and paved a road for us to see God's face in His Heaven with Jesus' perfect White Light.

The events taking place in our country and around the world are disturbing but not new. The newness of it is in the setting not in the action. Never before has this type of unsettling financial and social turmoil been played out instantaneously for everyone to see and hear. In addition, the sheer magnitude of our numbers is greater than anyone, except the dedicated demographers, is capable of fathoming.

So with constant and immediate media attention and huge masses of humanity at the whim of said media any chances for negotiation and introspective dialog to happen, decrease in mere moments. Then, whenever a meaningful announcement is available, it, once again becomes rapid-fire fodder for the news media, in all of its quick, beat Reuters to the keyboard efficiency.

The last time this happened was in the 80's. Failed banks, foreclosures, high gas prices, higher interest rates, credit tightening, hand wringing, failed war policies, anxious politicians, hung
out to dry populace, proliferation of bars.

Then people became inventive and used talent and reason, some God gifts, to solve problems.
I'll leave these verses with you to read, I like them for today:
Leviticus 19:8-19


Christina G. said...

D2R2, I like your observation regarding instantaneous media transmission...never thought of how such "reporting" can interfere w/progress in crises resolution. Solid, thought-provoking aricle.

MooPig said...

I was thinking about this also. Late last night in a moment before falling asleep, it occurred to me that the "group" forming up in the federal government this year is like a team.

I have observed a funny thing when team members converge on the project start date, crisis's converge with them.

For instance a single-parent might have a child-care crisis, a doctor might have a professional shutdown, or another cabinet candidate might have a medical problem.

This season is no different with financial crisis, 1000 year flooding, increased family/ domestic strife and breakup, etcetra, etcetra...

Even if Michael Jordan, yes Saint Michael to many, were to be candidate for election or appointment, his converging on Washington would set up multitudes of crisis's. How to adapt a desk for the six foot five super star. How to accommodate his army of sponsors... corporate lawyers all over the globe would meet to file suits against MJ for canceling or putting on hold his endorsements.

Same thing for Mike Phelps... Sarah Palin... Connie Rice... Colin Powell.... sort of the project risk, mitigated in the media.

Therefore, every four years I should remember to "expect" the increase in crisis management that I and you have witnessed for the last eight months.. no? I am sure there are many "what about's" that could be brought up and aren't...

Thanks guys. (pd)

MooPig said...

Hey, wait a minute, maybe that is why we have God in three persons.. or not: Risk management!

d2r2 said...

My habit and style have been, through the years, to bludgeon issues with hubris and arrogance.
Not God's intention for me to say apathetic things. I will try to remain tuned to His will. I do not know, with complete confidence, if the present situations can be compared to previous similar problems in governments, financial institutions and social unrest. Because we are greedy and frail.

This is what I do know. God has laid a careful and well paved path for mankind to follow. Stray from it and He becomes angered with us.
Follow it with care and faithfulness and the rewards are boundless. He even introduced a man to us, who by being perfect, gave us a corrective mixture of Himself and His Son. To emphasize to us how boundless His love for us is, He surrounds us with the Holy Spirit, before, now and ahead.
Which seems as if it is the Divine Particle He created in the universe and us too.

The sharing on these pages and all of the others is a good thing. Thank you, beloved friends and families.

Christina G. said...

"Stray from it and He becomes angered with us."

d2r2...I have to take issue w/this statement, I think it's off the mark...but I just got in from work and so after I've had more time to think (and some coffee!) I'll be back with more thoughts and hopefully, Scripture...may not be 'til tomorrow...

Christina G. said...

Moopig, love your insight...I just love it when someone sees into things...

MooPig said...

Thank you Christina.

I am re-reading, and I think our muse, Dave, has gone in and written a new draft of his meditation.

I think the anger he was mentioning before was for me, as I became "rudderless" last weeks of September.

The math wasn't adding up, was not balancing. I began pleading with my family, leaving Jesus out, then remembering to stop that... as encouragement began to show up on FAST from Brudder Dave, and others, now you can take credit too.

All through September Dave and I failed to call each other on our Thursday morning chat. [mostly because my land line is fried and needs replacing...]

Then our last two at home pre-pubescents picked up on it and started emotional discharges ...

When I had a chance to take a day off and ponder the math of our situation here in Bryan, TX.; only then did my heart for Jesus begin to soften...

Jesus put a notion in my head as I began to calm down for that day... that in order for the equation to balance I must remove my "Konstant" from it.

In other words no more "I/me/my" in there, rather "Him/He/His."


Christina G. said...

Pat, reading & thinking about your reply. This Scripture comes to mind, I don't know if it will mean anything for you - Isaiah 42, v.3 ?

Christina G. said...

Dave, I just thought that statement resonated O.T./ Law/judgment influence. As I was reading Pat's reply, something else occurred to me. How when the one sheep strays, the Good Shepherd goes after him. You know, to seek & save that which has been lost...nothing about anger there...

d2r2 said...

Christina,you are such a disciple. All day I have been anticipating this exchange.
Thinking of ways to rationalize my outburst and rash behavior on the blogspot.
You and Patrick are perceptive darlings.
In my current devotional mind, I am spending many hours reading the O.T.
I grew up among the Houston Jewish community during some of my strongest years with Christ. They were my friends, fellow students, athletes, party-goers and confidants. I loved them. Nobody said, "You can't do that because they aren't saved."
I wasn't baptized until I was thirteen. They were all going to bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs. It meant nothing more then,to me, than a lack of belief in our central theme and reason for celebration. The enormity of it escaped me.

At this age, I'm sixty, only half as old as Moses was when he passed into Heaven, I do see the enormity of it. I don't want to miss a single thing God says. The message of love for the Jews is so complete and full of Gods' mercy toward and judgment of them that it is hard to read without "feeling His pain and feeling Israels' bewilderment." It takes concentration and devotion to read about it.

That is my partial thought.

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." I believe in God the
Father, Maker of Heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord. I believe in the Holy Ghost. I believe in the forgiveness of sins. I believe in life everlasting.
We are bound to share and witness Gods' love and Jesus' Divine Majesty with all of Gods' creations.

You and You, blogsters, are inspirations to me and all who read your works. Keep bloggin', it works, it works. dd

MooPig said...

Hey Brudder, congratulations on reaching middle age!!! I remember that the neighborhoods you speak of have all brick houses. One story, and even smallish, dwellings, always all brick.

Christina, I'm on it: how'd you know? ...Will be back soon.