Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter is here

He is Risen! Without Him we look through the glass darkly, with Him we see clearly.

Praise God! Hallelujah! Amen! I pray for God, our souls to keep Steadfast to his Love.
My friends and family, I scarcely can strike the keys because God has filled my heart to the brim with His presence and I can see clearly and humbly ask forgiveness for my sins.

You are all constant reminders of the wonder and blessings He bestows.

It is by faith that we celebrate the oldest Christian feast, and it is a commitment to the body of Christ, of which we are a part.

We partake of the sacrifice the Lamb of God became, for us.

I pray for all of your well-being and that you have in-numerable blessings from God. That you receive into your hearts the Spirit, both Holy and manifest in our miracle of firmament, which we should never take lightly or for granted, as I am reminded by all of you, beloveds.

Peace, harmony and God's love to shower down on you, Amen

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