Dear Lord, Creator of all things; seen and un-seen, known and un-known, great and small. Father of fathers, merciful and loving God, forgive me for my sins and give me strength to be forgiving of others, as our Lord Jesus showed and taught us through your Grace in the Holy Spirit.
As we marvel in the miracles You do and will grant us from our spark of the Christ Mind, at our known moment, until we pass over to Your Infinite Glory Moment we give thanks for the Mercies we don't deserve, but which You so lovingly share with us.
I ask in Jesus' Name that You heal Samantha and lift her from the sickness she has; and I thank You for all attention You pay to the family You have bestowed on me and me on them. We give all thanks and glory to You, Oh Lord and forever praise Your Name above all others; for You are the One and True God, in the Loving Name of Your Son and Our Lord Jesus... Amen.